Missing someone & Quarantine

     Hello, it is 2.08 in the morning when I started writing this. Today is 28th of March 2020. 2nd week of MCO (Movement Control Order) in Malaysia. Can't really sleep at the moment. Keep repeating a soundtrack 'Quarantine' from the movie "First Man". Those theremin sound in that soundtrack really pulled a string in my heart.

    That particular song reminds me, the feeling of releasing someone go after loving them for so long. In a way, the feeling of losing someone. There's this scene of when Neil Armstrong released her daughter bracelet into the crater of the Moon. I cried at that moment. It feels so real to me. The act of letting go of her daughter memories after he arrives at the Moon really feel close to my heart.

    Neil honored her daughter memories so much by doing something that only people can dream about to do. Leaving her daughter bracelet on the Moon will keep the bracelet stay forever. Than his memories of her will always up there, forever.

    I don't really understand why I keep crying while listening to the song and typing this entry. I miss my girl. We are supposed to get engaged tomorrow, 29th of March, but since the MCO, we postponed it to another date later this year. Maybe I just miss her.


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