I am actually moving out from my old place, a bit far from where I'm studying. Things aren't going well with my financial, so I guess I have to move out to a place I can actually afford. Life for me doesn't change much, well nothing that I notice of. I still remembering her, struggling with my study, still undisciplined, a bit lazy, poor & jobless, skinny & weak. So, I guess nothing changes, except I'm moving out. I'm moving out to my friends place to share the rent. This friends are the one that at least known me for 2 years. Having them again is a good feeling, I can laugh carelessly again. When I'm down, at least there's someone to push me up again in some way. Before, I said, I used to being alone, but it takes its toll on me. How? I have a imaginary girlfriend. She always there, and the funny part is, she is her.
Yes, her. Imagining how my life, my days, what we talk if we had still going on. It is fun for awhile, but, a real friend always beats a imaginary one. I'm glad. Really am glad they are here. At least, I'm not alone, for real this time.
Nowadays, there are somethings that I ask my self a lot. I kinda lost my fiery strength, my undisputed will, my constant rage to succeed. I feel that I succumb to the ideas of "if something, let it be, don't fight it, even though is not what you want". I feel weak, shy, lost, and obviously depressed. Well, I hid all that feeling away. Waiting for the right partner. A partner to share my weakness and strength. Waiting for something better to come right down the corner.
P/S: Waiting, it doesn't change anything, action does. But waiting, it teaches us to be patient.
So, are you patient enough?
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