Brief story of the greatest race.

All great race were made out of wars.
From the ashes of their dead, each races unleash a superior batch of theirselves,
improving from before the conflict,
the old, the obsolete, were passed way giving routes for the new form of people,
the better, stronger, smarter.
They are the improved ones.
Through conflict, a race will eliminate the weak one, preserving the strong.
All of them focus on their race improvement through war and constant conflict which now today we can see their superior.

They improve as a whole, as one. Preserving their own language, their own culture.
Why? How?
They sacrifice their early days in history with war and some for as long as 200 years of constant war.
With all this conflict, the harshness , the suffering it spill out the survivor among them to lead their race.

With all that happening today to Gaza, Palestine, I sense a nation, a race that will surpass any race on this earth for as long as the earth exist, a race that will eclipse any other. The greatest.

With wars that happening from almost the starting of human history, Palestine people, is the strongest people, race that ever existed in human history.

I think this is the work of the divine, for them to be ready for the final wars, the war that end all wars.



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