Brain & Heart.


Brain : What the fuck you doing here?
Heart : I miss her.
Brain : Come on, man. It's already like, what, 11 months? It's almost a year, dude. Move on man.
Heart : The thing is, it keep clinging on me. Something that telling me I should wait.
Brain : You know we are friends, but if you keep being like this, it'll drag both us down.
Heart : Easy for you to say, you are not the one that gives most part of you to her.
Brain : I've told you before, never gave it all, keep something for yourself, even her told you that.
Heart : Hey, when you love someone, you don't need limitations to love them. You believe them with everything. You've done your part, so its up to them.
Brain : But she leaves you, okay?! Don't you get it?! Are you stupid or something?!
Can't you think?!
Heart : Well, love is stupid sometimes.
Brain : You know what? You are not being realistic! Things have passed, so you've to move on. Sitting there, won't make it any better. Hoping for something that is impossible won't make you life any better.
Heart : Instead of asking me to move on, why don't you help me? Instead of making me feel bad of all the decisions I've taken so far, why don't you give any cool suggestions? You can't, can you?
Brain : I have one, and its gonna hurt you, but if you make it, perhaps she's yours.
Heart : What is it, Brain?
Brain : If you really don't want to move on, then let time take care of it.
Heart : What time have to do with her?
Brain : Please wait, Heart. Time will do his part. Just wait. Patience. Do you know what really understands love? The one that really knows it?? It was time, it is time, it will be time. Time will help you my friend.
Heart : How it'll help me?
Brain : If your love, the love inside you, can handle the test of time, then you should go for it, if not, then you know that you are not meant for each other.
Heart : Thank you, Brain. You said I'm crazy with this I'm not moving on, but why you still help me?
Brain : 'Cause, we are friends, is for myself too.


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