I fall in love with you again.

I fall in love with you again.
You make me
happy, exhilarated, passionate,
mad, sad, depressed
all at the same time.
I fall in love with you again.
Your smile brightens my day,
even you're not around anymore,
you are like a sun, rainbow and rain.
All at the same moment.
I fall in love with you again.
Your words, promises,
give me hope to strive to be better,
your hate towards me,
rage me to struggle through all pain,
no matter what you do,
you inspire me, in someway,
in every way.
I fall in love with you again.
The thoughts of seeing you,
give chill and excitement,
you are wonderful in many ways.
I fall in love with you again.
Our memories are ours forever,
You and me, as one.
After all the tears, there always be happiness,
somehow, someway,
like you said,
there's no compassion without suffering,
Let me suffer to be compassionate.
I fall in love with you again.

-i so damn miss you right now, at this very moment-


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